Fear of Failure and Why It’s Wrong

Fear of Failure and Why It’s Wrong

Often, nobody is harder on you than you. It’s the way we’ve been raised, to fear failing, that one failure dooms us to “suck at doing ____” forever.

Nothing could be more wrong, more damaging, and be more intellectually inhibiting to a child than teaching them that failure is forever.

Yes, you can prevent your child from failing and it will have much the same effect as if you had prevented them from walking for fear of them falling down.

Moreover, all that extra love and support doesn’t make up for over-parenting and interfering in your kid’s development.

Children who have helicopter parents have higher levels of anxiety and less ability to adapt to new situations, vastly lower levels of satisfaction with their basic psychological needs, and feel less competent and confident versus their peers.

They don’t develop coping skills, or basic life skills that will help them to successful and independent adult lives.

Parents don’t mean to do this, they may not even be aware that they are helicoptering. There are a variety of factors that can trigger helicopter behaviors.

  • Parenting Olympics: Parenting has become a competitive sport that is less about the children than it is about the parent. This is not about getting a gold medal in parenting, it’s about teaching your kids to go for their own gold.
  • “IT’S IN YOUR PERMANENT RECORD!” Low grades, not being picked for the team, or not getting a certain award can look like an impending disaster. Of course, you want to fix it. However the question is how much fixing the situation needs, or if the situation is as it appears.
  • Projection: If the economy is uncertain, if your job is not secure, if the world in general seems to have it out for you, your first instinct is to exert everything you have to protect your child. You want to keep them from fear and worry, from being hurt, and it’s easy to cross the line.
  • Overcompensation: If you were bullied, abused, neglected, or felt unloved as a child, you may overcompensate in an effort to patch the pain you still feel. Parents who did not have a healthy upbringing are often still trying to parent and nurture themselves, too.

There have been truly brilliant people who have failed many times on their way to success, and think how much poorer our lives today would be without them!

  • JK Rowling: Turned down by twelve publishers, and told to get a day job because she’d never make money in the children’s/YA market, she is now worth in excess of $1 billion and gave a TED talk on the benefits of failure.
  • Steve Jobs: Some of his projects tanked hard, but he is responsible for some of the most iconic and widely used products in 21st century life. Even Pixar – which Jobs considered a failure and tried to unload was purchased by Disney in 2006 for $7.4 billion.
  • Albert Einstein: “Failure is success in progress.” He was brilliant, but frustrated with the method of teaching, and was considered to be developmentally delayed because of speech issues. He had problems finding work in adulthood, but he went on to become one of the pre-eminent physicists of all time.
  • Vera Wang: Failed to make the 1968 Olympic figure skating team. Was passed over for the Editor-in-Chief position at Vogue. Began to design wedding gowns at age 40. Now the head of a fashion empire worth in excess of $1 billion.
  • Lady Gaga: Dropped by Def Jam, her success came as a complete surprise to L.A. Reid. Her last album “Artpop” was panned as a flop compared to “Born This Way”, but still entered Billboard 100 at #1 and sales remained strong.
  • Jay-Z: Turned down by label after label, Jay-Z founded his own label, and put out his own albums and later sold his label to Def Jam for millions. Owns the Brooklyn Nets, and co-owns or cofounded companies like Carol’s Daughter and Rocaware – both sold for millions to other companies.
  • Howard Schultz: CEO of Starbucks and owner of the Seattle Supersonics joined the company when it had only four stores, was turned down for financing 217 of the 242 times he tried.

When you fear failing, or you fear other parents judging you or your child, look at what failure can do. You can call failing down a failure at walking, but it is an essential step to learning how to walk!


Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers about our Martial Arts Programs

A specific part of our preschool and kids martial arts classes at Park’s Taekwondo Federation in Coral Springs, Boca Raton, Coconut Creek (East Coral Springs), Plantation, Lake Worth, Kendall FL is teaching respect, and teaching when to use their new self defense training and when to NOT use them.  We find that our students become more confident to stand up to bullies.  And have more humility and kindness to others though their martial arts lessons.

We encourage parents to watch their children in their kids martial arts lessons.  We love parents getting involved!  And so do their kids.  Even better… join into some of our martial arts classes for adults.   You’re kids will love that you have something in common.  It will build a strong family bond!

Additionally, if you wanted some ‘me-time’?  Simply drop them off, and go grab a coffee.  They will greet you with a huge smile when you return, because they had SO much fun!

No, not at all! 

We find that people start at varying fitness levels.  But, you will find that you do get fit by doing our Coral Springs, Boca Raton, Coconut Creek (East Coral Springs), Plantation, Lake Worth, Kendall FL martial arts classes.  Isn’t that the point though?

A fun workout that gets results!

Truthfully, the journey to Black Belt is an individual one.  Everyone can progress at a different pace.  There is no judgement on students for how long it does take.  What we can tell you, is that it is SO WORTHWHILE! 

The self defense skills you will master can truly be life-saving!
However, the other benefits of striving for Black Belt, like perseverance, never giving up, commitment and self discipline lead to life-long success.

You will find that your Instructors at Park’s Taekwondo Federation are dedicated to helping you on your journey to Black Belt or whatever your personal goal may be.

We do only have a certain amount of space in our martial arts training area.  To take advantage of our limited time offer…. The fastest way is to fill in form . 

Additionally, you can always call us, we would love to chat with you about what we do, and if our martial arts classes would be a great fit for you and your family!

Simply choose which of our martial arts school locations is best for you:
Coral Springs
➤ Boca Raton
➤ Coconut Creek (East Coral Springs)
➤ Plantation
➤ Lake Worth
➤ Kendall
and choose the martial arts program you are interested in.  We’re looking forward to meeting you, and sharing our passion for martial arts with you.

Make sure you wear comfortable clothes you can do sport in!  Not really suitable to practice kicks in a skirt.😳

Be sure to bring a water bottle to your martial arts classes. 

You will find Park’s Taekwondo Federation in Coral Springs, Boca Raton, Coconut Creek (East Coral Springs), Plantation, Lake Worth, Kendall FL have martial arts classes for kids and adults that are a great workout and lots of fun! 

Most students are grinning from ear to ear by the end of the class.  I am sure you will be too!

Not at all.  In fact, many students starting in our adult martial arts classes would describe themselves like that before they started.  So you will fit right in!

Give yourself some time, and you will be astounded at how much you improve!  You’ll find that our very experienced martial arts Instructors, are trained to keep their teaching simple.  So even the most uncoordinated person will develop ‘ninja-like’ skills!  Come see for yourself!

Yes, our Instructors are very experienced in this new way of learning. We have found students in Coral Springs, Boca Raton, Coconut Creek (East Coral Springs), Plantation, Lake Worth, Kendall FL and around the country really LOVE our virtual and online classes – as they can keep focussed without distractions of other students and recordings can be paused and rewound for additional clarification on techniques.

We have our in-person classes and online martial arts classes.

Depending on your membership, live streaming martial arts lessons and/or OnDemand recorded lessons are a perfect way for kids and adults to learn martial arts in the comfort of your own home. Some people choose a combination of in-person and online/virtual martial arts lessons in the Coral Springs, Boca Raton, Coconut Creek (East Coral Springs), Plantation, Lake Worth, Kendall FL area.

Have a chat with one of our Instructors, to find the best solution for your martial arts journey.

Our technology works with a multitude of devices. Tablets, computers, smart tv’s with internet access, smart phones. Obviously, the bigger the screen, the easier it is to see the Instructor.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.