Minimize Risk
There are certain types of risk that can be minimized in order to make an assault less likely, and | am going to come out and say that alcohol is one risk that needs some discussion.
If you are drinking, you are less inhibited, less aware of your surroundings, and less likely to respond appropriately to threats than you would sober.
Reducing your alcohol intake is one way to start cutting back your risks.
A lot of us don’t have control over working or school hours, but we can take steps to be safer when going to and coming from home, work, and school.
We can develop a buddy system, share rides with co-workers, and arrange for kids to be picked up from school instead of walking home or taking the bus.
The fewer opportunities that present themselves — especially in cases of school bullying — the safer you’re going to be.
For kids, you might want to consider a pick-up that brings them to an after school activity, instead of one that drops them off at home alone.