Lead By Example
You talk to, and look at, a lot of people during the day. It is probably one of the most obvious parts of your day! You may see some people doing impressive or kind things, while others do awful or unkind things. But if you think about it you will realize that you notice a lot. Sometimes, you may even act like those around you without thinking about it. For example, if a classmate is having trouble with a martial arts form, and another classmate decides to help them, you may join them and give your own advice. Seeing someone do something may have encouraged you to do the same thing. Similarly, if you do something, you may encourage others to do it too.
Setting an Example
Leading by example means that you act the way you would like others to act. So, if you would like there to be more kind, brave, or determined people in the world, you should lead by example and be those things yourself. The great thing about leading by example is that you set the example. Think about important things you think everyone should do or traits they should have. Wouldn’t it be nice if we had more people like that? Well, the first step is being that person yourself! When you lead by example, you will show people the best version of yourself, and you may encourage them to be more positive too.
Being a Role Model
As you get older, you will become the big kid in school, at practice, and everywhere else. Think about how you used to look up to and admire the big kids around you when you were little. Now, you are the big kid other little kids will look up to! Younger kids may look at the things you do and the way you act and try to be more like you. This feels great, but it also comes with a lot of responsibility. You need to lead by example and be the best version of yourself, so you can be a great role model for younger classmates, siblings, and others.
Having Leadership Skills
Learning how to lead by example is also a great skill for leadership. Think about the great leaders in your life, like the leader of your sports team or the senior at your martial arts studio. They lead because they know a lot about the stuff they do and are a great example of the things they represent. If you want to be a great leader you will need to lead by example so your teammates and those below you can look at you for advice and guidance.
How Do You Lead By Example?
It can be difficult to lead by example. First you have to know what example you want to set, and then you have to remember to lead when you get the opportunity. You may forget or make mistakes, but as long as you try to be the best version of yourself and stay aware of the example you are setting, you will have no problem leading by example!